School for Acvanced Studies (SAS)

Dr. Cheryl Johnston
SAS & GATE Coordinator
Mrs. Joy Tran
SAS Counselor

The School for Advanced Studies (SAS) provides high-quality differentiated instruction with an emphasis on depth, complexity, acceleration and novelty. SAS offers high-level academic opportunities that meet the unique educational needs of gifted learners. Participation in Narbonne's School for Advanced Studies is open to both GATE students and students of high-level ability. Your student is eligible if they meet one or more of the following criteria (just one area is sufficient):
- He or she has been previously identified as a GATE student in one or more of the following categories: Intellectual, High Achievement, Specific Academic, Creative or Leadership.
- He or she has demonstrated the ability or strong potential to work two years above grade level in academic subjects and has demonstrated mastery in four critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

SAS Highlights

Parent Newsletter
Choices 2022-2023
Applying for Gifted Magnets and Schools for Advanced Studies.
This year's Choices application window opens on Friday, October 1, 2021, and closes on Friday, November 12, 2021. Online applications are encouraged. Parent/Guardians will receive notification letters via email. To submit your application online, visit LAUSD's website. You may also submit a paper application by picking up an application at your child's school. For descriptions of all Choices programs including Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted Magnets, visit here. Here are some helpful tips when applying:
Be sure to submit your application on or before the Friday, November 12, 2021, deadline (online or postmarked).
- If you are applying to a Gifted Magnet or Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and your child is enrolled in a non-district school, confirm that the school of attendance has submitted the Verification of Eligibility form on or before the Friday, November 12, 2021 deadline (email or postmarked). Forms are available beginning Friday, October 1, 2021 here (select "SAS" and "Who is eligible"?)
- If you are applying to a Gifted Magnet or Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and your child is homeschooled (without a verifying organization) or not enrolled in school, you must contact [email protected] on or before the November 12, 2021 deadline to initiate the verification process. Detailed information will be available beginning October 1, 2021 here (select Program options and SAS).
- If applying to a Highly Gifted Magnet, parents/guardians may contact Gifted/Talented Programs at (213)-241-4177 or [email protected] to verify eligibility.
The charts on the next page highlight the difference eligibility criteria for gifted/highly gifted magnets and SAS sites. For detailed criteria information as well as the process to obtain verification, please refer to the Choices brochure or eChoices website.
Family Tips
As we start another school year not knowing what the year will bring, it is important to have ways to cope with uncertainty as a family. Here are some ideas that will make this a positive and memorable school year:
- Focus on the Present: End each day as family by taking time to share memorable moments or events that happened that made each of you feel gratitude.
- Take Action: Helping others is great way to feel some control over the present. The City of Los Angeles has many opportunities for volunteering. Sign up here.
- Manage Stress and Anxiety: Eating healthy is an important step in managing stress and anxiety. Try cooking new recipes together as a family and create new traditions. The Los Angeles Public Library is a great place to check out new cookbooks for free.