College Center

Narbonne's College Center, located in E2 is a welcoming place for students to learn and ask questions about college admission requirements, financial aid, Naviance, Dual Enrollment courses, and scholarships.

Click on the flyers to go to Organization Website or Registration page:
Resources and services available in the College Center:
Class of 2023 - Current 10th grade - Sign-up for updates by texting @f7bk49 to 81010
- College Planning meetings
- Grade-level Naviance Workshops
- Information about AP Exam Registration and Administration
- SAT & ACT Fee Waivers
- College Option Presentations and Assistance with College Admission Process
- College Application Assistance and Workshops
- Financial Aid Application Assistance & Workshops
- Visits from College Representatives
- Assistance Enrolling in Dual Enrollment Courses
- Scholarships
Stay Connected and Get Updates from the College Center:

There are several ways students and parents can get updates and reminders from the College Center.

Narbonne students can get updates from the College Center from grade-level Schoology groups. Students are automatically added to the following Schoology groups at the beginning of the School year.
- NHS College Center_Class of 2024 - Access Code: C9HQ-GCVF-CWR87
Students can also receive text message reminders from the College Center through Remind. Students can ask questions by replying directly to the messages from Ms. Campos. Students sign-up to the Remind group according to their graduating class.
Class of 2024 - Current 9th grade - Sign-up for updates by texting @h3c6e6 to 81010
Have Instagram? Follow Narbonne's College Center, and other Narbonne Instagram accounts for school updates and reminders.
Narbonne College Center: @narbonne_college_center
Narbonne High School Official Instagram Page: @narbonne_hs_guachos
Narbonne High School ASB: @gauchosasb