Visitors Policy
Narbonne High School recognizes that when schools and parents form strong partnerships, children’s potential for educational success improves significantly. We welcome parents to come visit the school and encourage parental involvement. In order to maintain the highest standards of safety as well as academic success, we ask that all visitors to Narbonne abide by the following:
- All persons (non-Narbonne employees) entering the campus must sign in the “Visitor’s Log Book” at the FRONT DOOR and wear the yellow visitor sticker. If for some reason the book is not there, “sign-in” in the Main Office.
- Complete a visitor’s permit and obtain the principal/designee’s approval before proceeding to a classroom. Campus security will be notified of your presence.
- Same-day visits and appointments must be cleared through the counseling office.
Meet with a Counselor, Coordinator, or Administrator: We make every attempt to accommodate immediate requests, but occasionally have prior commitments. We are generally not available during supervision times. It is always best to make an appointment ahead of time.
Meet with a Teacher: Teachers can only meet with parents before or after school or during their conference period. If you wish to visit your child’s classroom, we request a 24-hour notice.
- A visitor’s permit must be obtained and worn while on campus. Please be prepared to present valid identification.
- An appointment to see a teacher, counselor, or administrator, must be made with the individual or through the counselor. Appointments may be made by telephone, email, or in person.
- Return the visitor’s permit to the front desk before leaving the campus.
- Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
- Please do not converse with the students, teacher, and/or instructional assistants during the visitation.
- Please do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation.
- Please silence your phone.*
*There is no photography or video allowed on campus without prior approval from an administrator.*
Disruptive behavior including physical and/or verbal harassment toward teachers, administrators and staff is strictly prohibited and is a crime punishable by fine, jail or a combination of both.
AUTHORITY: This policy is enforced by the California Penal Code Section 626.7, 626.8, 242.5, 243.2, and/or the Education Code § 44810 (a), § 44811 (a).